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Go from struggling to get views… clicks… leads… and sales… to having top tier marketing tactics that make $10,000’s a month, starting today.

Marketing Tactics and Strategies

Hours of Winning Lessons


Steal Our Winners

The Simplest Way To Get More Views… Clicks… Leads… And Sales, FAST
In just one click, you can get ahead of 99% of online businesses by using today’s top-performing tactics and strategies from the world’s richest marketers and online business owners. 

With over 450 tactics and strategies and more than 250 hours of content, Steal Our Winners gives you immediate access to what’s working for the best-of-the-best RIGHT NOW, across every channel.

That means you can shortcut your success all without the stress, hassle and headaches most business owners have to deal with every single day.

Closed $126,000

“I applied the virtual event strategy from Steal Our Winners with you and Scott Oldford. Closed $126,000. Thank You Rich!” ~MIA R.

Made $230,000

“Made $230,000 directly from strategies implemented from Steal Our Winners – and I’m on episode 4.” ~AARON F.

Whether You’re Just Starting Out or Scaling to 7-Figures, These Tactics and Strategies Will Work for You

Steal Our Winners is perfect for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and businesses of any size. 

Whether you’re new to online marketing or scaling an established business, these strategies have helped over 2,813 businesses of all sizes grow fast.

Instant Access To 450+ Tactics
We Guarantee You’ve Never Heard Of

Instant Access To 400+ Tactics We Guarantee You’ve Never Heard Of

  • 30-90 minute interviews with the world’s top marketers and entrepreneurs
  • Full access to over 450 tactics and strategies
  • Expert contributions backed by $100,000s of testing
  • ​New “insider” content inside Steal Our Winners the general public has NEVER heard of before
  • 2 new strategies added every single week

Get Nothing But The Winners That Are Generating $10,000’s With:

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Content Marketing

Social Media


High Ticket Coaching




Joint Ventures

Influencer Marketing






Tik Tok™



Over 2,813 Devoted Online Business Owners and Marketers Trust Rich Schefren To Uncover Today’s Most Effective Tactics BEFORE Anyone Else Hears About Them

If you don’t know him, Rich Schefren, the owner of Steal Our Winners, has been in online marketing for over 20 years… adding more than $15 billion in revenue for his clients.

He’s coached top gurus like Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss and Alex Jeffreys…

Has over 16 million downloads of his reports…

And has mentored over 729,425 students.

Today, he’s devoted to uncovering winning tactics BEFORE anyone else hears about them so driven online entrepreneurs can have a huge edge over everyone else.

How Steal Our Winners Works

1. Get instant access to over 450 tactics and strategies that we GUARANTEE you have never seen before

2. Implement any of the content exactly as it is shown and watch as your business gets real results

3. Stay updated: Get 2 new tactics and strategies every week 
“I barely bat an eye when a well-positioned biz-op offer or new "make money" strategy invades my feed-.. Why? Because if it's worth a dang. it's already there, inside SOW!
Sonam Z.
“I don’t want to miss the newest and hottest strategies for my business. As we are located in Germany, we have an unfair advantage if we implement strategies that are not yet common in our market 😉”
Daniel H.
“I’m close to launching my business soon. [Steal Our Winners] helps save me a ton of time and helps me produce the quality of what I am looking to produce. Thanks much. I am grateful.”
Mike L.

The Longer You Wait…  The Longer You Put Off Results!

Steal Our Winners has expert marketers like Russell Brunson, Neil Patel, Todd Brown, Alex Jeffries, Mike Filsaime, Perry Marshall, and over 100 other contributors, all revealing their top-performing secrets. The longer you wait to join, the longer you’ll wait to get real results from these proven tactics.

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If you decide Steal Our Winners isn’t for you, simply cancel within 7 days 
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What You Get:

  • Access To All 450+ Episodes of Steal Our Winners for FREE for 7-days
  • Complete Video Trainings revealing the what & HOW of the tactic or strategy.
  • ​​Step-by-Step Action Guides you or your team can use to immediately implement the tactic or strategy
  • ​​Downloadable Audio Versions so you can listen in the car, at the gym or traveling
  • ​​Complete Edited PDF Transcripts for taking notes and highlighting key takeaways so you never miss a thing

© Strategic Profits | 15 NE 4th St., Delray Beach, FL 33444, United States of America

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme or an easy button. Success in business requires hard work. We believe in creating value and building real businesses. There's no guarantees of success or anything else, in this program, or in life. Your results are up to you. And we're here to help by sharing our most effective strategies, tools, and ideas to support you. Nothing on this page is a promise of any result. Testimonials are reflective only of past results specific to the individuals shown. These are illustrative and not typical results.

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