As you know, advertising on Facebook™ is only getting more and more expensive…
With more and more competition…
And the results are less and less predictable.
There’s just too many variables with Facebook™ advertising that we can’t account for.
Like how one week an ad can absolutely crush the game…
Then all of the sudden it tanks.
There’s no explanation why.
Was it the ad? Was it the copy? The creative? The competition? The algorithm?
No one knows… and no one will ever know.
It’s like riding a roller coaster with invisible tracks.
The cost of admission keeps rising, the ride becomes more crowded, and the twists and turns become increasingly unpredictable.
One moment, you're soaring and the next, you're plummeting without warning.
Is it the design of the ride? The speed? The competition? Who knows… who cares. All you want is to protect your life!
The same goes with your business on Facebook™…